Seagull Weekly Briefing 12/07

Good morning, and welcome to the Brighton Seagull's Weekly Briefing. Apologies for our absence last week—Team Seagull had an unexpected family emergency, but we're back now. For those who missed it, catch up on our take on the general election:

The Council Elections In Miniature
The election’s over, the dust has settled: what does it look like for the city?

News This Week

Lloyd Russell-Moyle claims complaint against him was 'already investigated and dismissed'

Source: House of Commons

Lloyd Russell-Moyle, former Labour MP for Brighton Kemptown and Peacehaven, has claimed that the complaint made which led to his suspension from the party was 'investigated and dismissed' previously.

Last night, in a message encouraging people to vote before polls close, Russell-Moyle called the complaint, which came from a friend who he 'personally and politically' fell out with, 'malicious and vexatious'.

He said:

The new rules allow you to resubmit historical complaints.

I was therefore removed as a candidate and couldn’t stand in the place I live and was born. Lots of people asked me to stand as an independent as they were angry at the process—so was I, the process is not fair or just. I, however, want a Labour government and a Labour party that puts forward socialist values.

Chris Ward was elected in his place last week, becoming the new Labour MP for Kemptown and Peacehaven. He joins Peter Kyle, returning Labour MP for Hove and Portslade, and Siân Berry, new Green MP for Brighton Pavilion.

Activist group call for boycott after 'female only support and discussion group' announce Pride involvement

Source: The Brighton Seagull

Trans Liberation Front Brighton (TLF), an activist group in the city, is calling for a boycott of Brighton Pride 2024.

This comes as Brighton Sisters Salon, who self-describe as a 'female only support and discussion group for women living in Brighton & Hove', announced they had a place in the Brighton & Hove Pride Community Parade this year.

In a statement on social media, Brighton Pride confirmed that the application was not approved.

They said:

We sincerely apologise to our trans siblings and the community for any upset caused by the delay while we carried out internal enquiries and reviewed our parade procedures.

Pride has multi-stage procedures for processing parade group applications, which run over several months before Pride. Sisters Salon’s application was not completed when they announced they were taking part.

We would like to clarify Sisters Salon’s submission did not meet our LGBTQI+ inclusive parade conditions to take part.

TLF has since called for a boycott of Brighton Pride, because of this, police marching in the parade, partnering with British Airways, and allowing Labour in the parade (on the grounds of having 'trans people removed from their parade for protesting against transphobia within the Labour Party').

We have asked Brighton Pride for comment on the boycott.

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🖋 News in Brief 🖋

  • Councillors will decide what's happening with the King Alfred next week, and have been asked by council officers to approve the development of a new leisure centre on that site.
  • Green councillors have announced their shadow cabinet members:
    • Steve Davis: Leader of the opposition, shadow member for transport
    •  Raphael Hill: Deputy leader, shadow member for adult social care and for culture, heritage and tourism
    • Chloë Goldsmith: Deputy leader, shadow member for communities, equalities and human rights
    • Ollie Sykes: Shadow member for finance
    • Ellen McLeay: Shadow member for housing and new homes
    • Sue Shanks: Shadow member for children, families and youth services
    • Kerry Pickett: Shadow member for environment
    • Pete West: Shadow member for sports and recreation
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The Big One

Source: The Brighton Seagull

What's happening? The Prince Albert, on Trafalgar Street, is under threat again.

Why? Ongoing plans to develop a unit next door to the venue, which were unanimously refused by the council last year, have been taken to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government.

What does this mean? It means Angela Rayner will be deciding the fate of the Prince Albert.

Have the plans changed at all? According to the venue, no.

What can be done to help? They're asking for written representations to be made to the planning inspectorate, even if objections were made to the council previously.

What do I say? Reasons why the plans should not go ahead, which include:

  • The impact on the character and setting of the grade II listed building;
  • The impact of the development on visual amenity of the local area/ Conservation Area;
  • The impact on neighbouring amenity in respect of overbearing development, loss of light and outlook;
  • The potential adverse impact on the operation of the pub in terms of noise complaints and potential restrictions on the business.

How do I place a written representation?

  • Go to this website.
  • Type case reference 3343603. into the 'search for a case' box.
  • Once you’re on this page you will then see 'make representation'.
That's all for this week—please subscribe, and forward to friends who might be interested!