What is a public space protection order (PSPO)?
A PSPO can impose conditions or restrictions on the use of a specific area by all persons within that area.

A PSPO can impose conditions or restrictions on the use of a specific area by all persons within that area.
The council can make a PSPO if it believes there are activities in an area which are detrimental to the local community’s life and that the negative impact is so much that it makes the restrictions reasonable. The PSPO will specify an area where activities are taking place that are or may likely be detrimental to the local community’s quality of life. A PSPO can last for a maximum of 3 years.
Brighton & Hove has a city-wide PSPO which allows a police officer to remove alcohol from any person in a public place who is involved in or considered likely to be involved in anti-social behaviour. It also allows the officer to dispose of any alcohol confiscated. Refusal to hand over alcohol when requested to do so is a criminal offence which can be punished by a fixed penalty notice or prosecution.
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